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Sora International Dog Show, double CACIB 21, 22 December 2013.
We close the year with satisfactory results for our Toy Poodles.
Saturday, 21 December:
Apricot Toy Poodle: Fashion Poodle Giselle, I° Place in Young Females Class.
White Toy Poodle: Rhapsody In White, II° Place in Young Females Class.
Sunday, 22 December:
Apricot Toy Poodle: Fashion Poodle Giselle, I° Place in Young Females Class.
White Toy Poodle: Rhapsody In White, I° Place in Young Females Class and Best Young.
Malta International Dog Show, Double CACIB 30, November – 1 December 2013.
Great results for our Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
Saturday, 30 November:
Open Males Class, Rich Rach Lavee, CAC; CACIB; BOB and Crufts Qualified.
Open Females Class, Aresvuma Akina Aimara, Res. CAC and Res. CACIB.
Sunday, 1 December:
Open Males Class, Rich Rach Lavee, CAC; CACIB; BOB and Best in Group.
Open Females Class, Aresvuma Akina Aimara, CAC; CACIB and BOS.
Double CACIB Reggio Calabria and Messina 26, 27 October 2013
CACIB Reggio Calabria:
White Toy Poodle: Rhapsody In White, best female in Juniores Class.
Apricot Toy Poodle: Fashion Poodle Giselle, I° Place in Young Females Class.
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Aresvuma Akina Aimara, I° Place in Open Females Class, res. CAC and CACIB.
CACIB Messina::
White Toy Poodle: Rhapsody In White, best female in Juniores Class.
Apricot Toy Poodle: Fashion Poodle Giselle, I° Place in Young Females Class.
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Aresvuma Akina Aimara, National Specialty Show, I° Place in Open Females Class, CAC , CACIB and BOS
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Rich RAch LAvee, National Specialty Show, I° Place in Open Males Class, CAC, CACIB, BOB and III° Place at the Group.
Malta National Dog Show 19, 20 October 2013
Rhodesian Ridgeback:
Open Males Class, Rich Rach Lavee, CAC, Best of Breed and Reserve Best in Group.
Open Females Class, Aresvuma Akina Aimara, CAC and Best Opposite Sex.
National Dog Show Catania
16 June 2013
Good News at the National Dog Show in Catania
Laveè Rich Rach, Rhodesian Ridgeback: Intermedian Males Class -
Aresvuma Akina Aimara, Rhodesian Ridgeback: Intermedian Females Class -
Umbani della Grifunera, Rhodesian Ridgeback: Young Males Class -
Amelienancy's (Amelie), Toy Poodle: I° excellent in Young Females Class, Best of Breed and becomes “Young Italian Champion” also
Nurmah Bar Pace Chocolate, Brown Dwarf Poodle -
Aria Sulla Quarta Corda della Grifunera, Hovawart: Open Females Class -
Palermo International Dog Show
09 June 2013
Excellent results for our dogs
Laveè Rich Rach (Rich), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Intermedian Males Class: CAC, CACIB, BOB, Best Of Group
Aresvuma Akina Aimara (Akina) , Rhodesian Ridgeback, Intermedian Females Class: CAC e CACIB
Umbani della Grifunera (Attila), Rhodesian Ridgeback, Young Males Class: I° excellent
Amelienancy's (Amelie), Toy Poodle: I° excellent in Young Females Class and Best of Breed
Double International Dog Show, Rende and Vibo Valentia
25/26 May 2013
On the double CACIB of Rende and Vibo Valentia the results of our dogs were these
Rhodesian Ridgeback:
Laveè Rich Rach, I° exc. CAC, CACIB, BOB and II° place at the Best of Group
Aresvuma Akina Aimara, I° exc. CAC, CACIB and BOS
Umbani della Grifunera, I° exc in Young Males Class
Toy Poodle:
Amelienancy’s I° excellent in Young Females Class
Budapest World Dog Show
16/19 May 2013
Returned from Budapest satisfied with the results of all our subjects assessed as "Excellent" in a flood of "Very Good"
Hovawart: Tango Querido, excellent in Champion Class
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Laveè Rich Rach, excellent in Intermedian Class at only 16 months
Toy Brown Poodle: Josephine Baker della Grifunera, excellent and II° place in Open Class
Dwarf Brown Poodle: Nurmah Bar Pace Chocolate, excellent and I° place in Champion Class
International Dog Show Zadar
01/05 May 2013
Great results at Zadar (Croatian)
Brown Toy Poodle: Josephine Baker della Grifunera, in open female class wins the CAC and CACIB and becomes Croatian Champion
Dwarf Black Poodle: Definitve Cheris All Celebrity, wins in Champion Class the CACIb and BOB and becomes International Champion
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Laveè Rich Rach, in Intermedian class wins the CAC and Res. CACIB
Double National Dog Show Crotone and Catanzaro
13/14 April 2013
On the two days of Crotone and Catanzaro the results of our dogs were these:
White Toy Poodle: Ameliesnancy’s I° Excellent in young females class.
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Lavee Rich Rach , Intermedian class I° Excellent CAC and BOS;
Umbani Della Grifunera I° excellent in young males class;
Aresvuma Akina Aimara I° excellent in young females class and becomes Young Italian Champion.
Sanremo 2013 Specilaty Dog Show
06/April 2013
Also great news in Sanremo
Tango Querido, I° excellent in male open class and Best Male at the Hovawart Specialty Dog Show;
Excellent place and excellent judgment in intermedian class for our Lavee Rich Rach at the Rhodesian Ridgeback Specialty Dog Show.
Cefalù National Dog Show and Ragusa International Dog Show
16/17 March 2013
CAC Cefalù,
Brown Dwarf Poodle: Ch. Nurmah Bar Pace Chocolate, CAC; BOB and II° place at the Best of Group.
White Toy Poodle: Amelienancy’s, I° excellent in young females class.
Hovawart: Aria Sulla Quarta Corda della Grifunera, CAC; BOB.
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Umbani della Grifunera, I° excellent in young males class and BOS;
Arevuma Akina Aimara, I° excellente in young females class and BOB.
CACIB Ragusa,
Black Toy Poodle: Blackbeauty della Grifunera, CAC; CACIB; BOB.
White Toy Poodle: Ameliesnancy’s, I° excellent in young females class.
Hovawart: Aria Sulla Quarta Corda della Grifunera, CAC; CACIB; BOB.
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Umbani della Grifunera, I° excellent in young males class; BOB and II° place at the Best of Group.
Arevuma Akina Aimara, I° excellent in young females class and BOS.
Sassari and Chiaramonti International Dog Show
16/17 February 2013
Our results were positive.
Toy Poodle: Scido dell'Alberico, becomes New Italian Champion.
Rhodesian Ridgebacks: Lavee Rich Rach Best Young Male and Aresvuma Akina Aimara I° Excellent in Young Females Class.
Hovawart: Aria Sulla Quarta Corda della Grifunera I° EXC, CAC, CACIB and BOB.
Eboli International Dog Show
26/27 January 2013
Our Rhodesian Ridgebcks Aresvuma Akina Aimara I° excellent in Young females class and Lavee Rich Rach I° excellent in Young males class, BOB and III° place at the Best of Group. and at only 12 months he becomes Young Italian Champion.
Black Beauty della Grifunera, Toy Poodle, reserve CACIB.
Aria Sulla Quarta Corda della Grifunera I° excellent in Intermedian Class.
Padova International Dog Show
19/20 January 2013
Great Results for our dogs.